Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

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Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by Maksym »

Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta is finally out and available for everyone to download:

Download Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2

This version offers you the unique ability to run different slideshows on different monitors with the ability to configure every aspect of the slideshow for every monitor individually. For example, you can show photos from different folders on different monitors or use the same source folder but show only portrait photos on one monitor and only landscape photos on the other using the media filters:


You can also choose to run the slideshow only on the selected monitors while continuing your work on the others:


You can even split every monitor into several independent slideshow zones and choose the way those zones transition to the next slide: all at the same time, sequentially, or in random order:


Just like in the previous version, you can display up to 20 files on every monitor, but in the new version you can decide what number of those files are replaced in the next slide:


New options allow you to use the dominant or average color of the currently shown photo as a background. Other new background options include gradient and "previous slide", in which case, after a dozen slides you'll have a very cool-looking photo pile:


This version allows you to assign custom keys to the slideshow Actions:


And the list can go on and on! So, why don't you download and try it yourself:

Download Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by JRB »

Spectacular! A great improvement. One question, in my media folders, then media filters on the file types and names tab, your example shows *.mp4 as a selection to show or exclude, yet it will not play any mp4 files. Is playing *.mp4 files possible?
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by Maksym »

Not yet, but there are plans to add video playback.
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by JRB »

Hello Maksym, I have noticed that there are a couple of settings that are not working (at least not for me).

1. Exclude pictures with these keywords.
These are my selections in that selection ( Ashley;Cosimo;Crupi_Family;Dan;Dansfamily;Jessica;Joyce;MellisaErickson;Stella;Tony )

2. In the non beta version some images display as full screen or 2 large images in 2 columns etc. Is there a setting in the beta version that will display some images full screen? My settings in the non beta version in show up to 8 pictures on each monitor, and positioning as 4 columns and 2 rows.
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by Maksym »

1. Send me a couple of pictures that are not getting excluded (but they should) to support@exisoftware.com for the tests.

2. If you want variable number of images to be displayed, then select different values in the [ From ] and [ To ] fields. Like this:

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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by JRB »

So far so good. Did you find anything in the files meta data? Also I have a question see image link.

https://1drv.ms/i/c/ca0f5d823739da1d/EY ... A?e=o9g85A
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by Maksym »

If you want to reproduce the behavior of the 1.x version, where you used the [ Up to X ] pictures, then set the numbers from 1 to 8. I thought it was obvious :(

As for the meta data - I never received anything from you. Could you re-send? Or share via Google Drive?
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by JRB »

I apologize for my error, I guess I just did not find the choice that obvious. As for the meta data issue I did send the files with a link to my onedrive account as the files were to large to include in the email. I will resend.
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by Maksym »

OK, looks like I found the bug with the IPTC keywords. Please download install the updated beta version:

Download Endless Slideshow Screensaver

Let me know if it works for you now.
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Re: Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2 beta

Post by JRB »

Yes this does fix the keyword issue. Thank you. About the other issue with the one image filling the screen. Your solution does work, however there are some losses, there does not seem to be a way to have separate transition effects with this method when there are more than one image on the screen.
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