Download Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2
This version offers you the unique ability to run different slideshows on different monitors with the ability to configure every aspect of the slideshow for every monitor individually. For example, you can show photos from different folders on different monitors or use the same source folder but show only portrait photos on one monitor and only landscape photos on the other using the media filters:

You can also choose to run the slideshow only on the selected monitors while continuing your work on the others:

You can even split every monitor into several independent slideshow zones and choose the way those zones transition to the next slide: all at the same time, sequentially, or in random order:

Just like in the previous version, you can display up to 20 files on every monitor, but in the new version you can decide what number of those files are replaced in the next slide:

New options allow you to use the dominant or average color of the currently shown photo as a background. Other new background options include gradient and "previous slide", in which case, after a dozen slides you'll have a very cool-looking photo pile:

This version allows you to assign custom keys to the slideshow Actions:

And the list can go on and on! So, why don't you download and try it yourself:
Download Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2