Delay in receiving registration information?

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Joined: 13 Dec 2022, 20:35

Delay in receiving registration information?

Post by themoderinator »

I purchased a lifetime Extreme Picture Finder license over a week ago and still have not received an email containing a new license key. I've reached out using the online contact form but have not received a reply there either. When I purchased my one-year license last year I received the key the same day I purchased it - I am just wondering what is taking so long this time.
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Re: Delay in receiving registration information?

Post by Maksym »

In 99% of such cases it means that the registration message is in your SPAM folder or, in the worst case scenario, the message was completely blocked by your email provider, without even putting it into the SPAM folder. You see, once your order is approved by the e-commerce provider, the registration information email message is sent automatically - no humans involved, no wait time at all. So, if you use gmail, yahoo, hotmail, msn or any other email provider, which has a website - go to the corresponding website and check your SPAM folder there.

If the message is not there - please use one of the following contact options:


You can use the official Extreme Picture Finder Facebook page to write us a message.


The same with the official Extreme Picture Finder Twitter page.


You can use Skype to send a text message (no voice calls please). Skype ID is: collox


You can use a different email address where you can control what is SPAM and what is not. Or, you can white-list the address in your current email provider and ask to re-send your info. Actually, it's a good idea to do so before the purchase.

As for the remaining 1% - this is when the e-commerce provider did not approve your order. There are several things that go wrong during the order process, like insufficient funds, credit card was declined and things like that. And in such cases you do not get any information from the e-commerce provider at all. But you can still use one of the above contact options to ask us about your order - we will get the information.

So, all available contact options are listed at the contact information page on the website. Feel free to use any of them and make sure you can receive our answer - this is usually the biggest problem.
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