Setting Destination

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Setting Destination

Post by rawrfaker »

Is there a way to set the destination folder at the template level? Would like to set a series of starting urls, potentially across multiple projects, and have them all save to the same directory w/ subfolders.

Alternatively, is it a better use practice to set up a single project and add starting urls over time and run it w/ update? Or is this more like a database use case?
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Re: Setting Destination

Post by Maksym »

Is there a way to set the destination folder at the template level? Would like to set a series of starting urls, potentially across multiple projects, and have them all save to the same directory w/ subfolders.
You can change the default destination folder in the software settings (menu item Tools->Settings...).
Alternatively, is it a better use practice to set up a single project and add starting urls over time and run it w/ update? Or is this more like a database use case?
It's never a good idea to add Starting Addresses to the existing project and then use the [ Update ] option. You should let the project finish, then REPLACE the starting URL and use the [ Restart ] option. This will do pretty much what you want - you'll get the sub-folders inside the original [ Destination folder ] of your project (if you configure it correctly, of course).
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