zzup cloudflare issues

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zzup cloudflare issues

Post by andquist »

Hi Maxim,

I am having troubles using the zzup template. Everytime I try to continue downloading I can't seem to get by the cloudflare page. It keeps reloading for ever. I'm using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0. If I try with an older version I get a 'Browser out of date' error.

Is there a way past this?

Thanks a billion in advance
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Re: zzup cloudflare issues

Post by Maksym »

Hey Andquist,

Unfortunately, there is no solution right now. Sorry. It just refuses to work on some PCs (or IPs). It does run perfectly on all my test PCs with different Windows versions. Plus there are a lot of daily anonymous reports from people who successfully download thousands of files from this website.

I'm aware of this situation and will try to solve it in the next releases with the updated version of the built-in Chromium. But as of right now - nothing can be done :( Or, at least, I don't know what can be done.

There is a "somewhat" similar website that does not have the cloudflare protection: sxypix.com. It also shares full photo sets from similar sources. Maybe you can use for now. Here is a template for it:

sxypix.com downloader
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Re: zzup cloudflare issues

Post by andquist »

Hey Maxim,

As always you supply fast and very relevant answers to my problems.

Thank you so much for your effort and for turning my head towards sxypic. com. Nice site where I can have a lot of fun. :)

Kind regards
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Re: zzup cloudflare issues

Post by Maksym »

I just uploaded an Extreme Picture Finder update with the most recent version of the built-in Chromium browser. Please try it and let me know if it helped in any way:

Download Extreme Picture Finder
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