Unable to save files to network drive [SOLVED]

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Unable to save files to network drive [SOLVED]

Post by rhodo »

I am currently unable to save files downloaded with EPF to my NAS. I had no trouble getting EPF to save files to my NAS in the past, but I recently noticed this issue because my C: drive ran out of free space. I believe this behavior started with the last update to, but it may have started sooner.

I am able to get EPF to navigate to the network drive and select it as the download destination in Project Properties. I have also selected the network drive as the default download location in Settings. The "Save: Destination folder" correctly displays the desired network location (\\computer_name\path\to\save\folder).

However, all files are saved to C:\computer_name\path\to\save\folder

I have tried mapping the network drive to a drive letter, but all files are still saved to C:

I should point out the computer running EPF is a Windows 10 VM inside UNRAID. I don't think this is a factor because it has always worked fine in the past, but I mention it just in case it's relevant to troubleshooting the issue.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer!
Last edited by rhodo on 24 May 2024, 15:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unable to save files to network drive

Post by Maksym »

Nothing related to how files are saved changed for a very long time. So, if it was working earlier and stopped working now - it's not the program's fault. Sorry.

But, in any case, mapping a network location to a drive letter will make it easier. Just not to the "C". Map to "F" or something like that, not to a system drive letter.
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Re: Unable to save files to network drive [SOLVED]

Post by rhodo »

I have found a solution to this issue.

1. Add windows firewall rule for EPF
After installing Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control, I noticed that there was no firewall rule for EPF, so I added one. I don't know if a Windows Update may have removed a rule that was added during initial installation of EPF, but adding this rule now allows me to save files to a mapped network drive

2. Save files to mapped network drive
EPF will still not save files to a network shared drive (\\computer_name\path\to\save\folder). It will only save to a mapped drive (X:\path\to\save\folder). Even with windows firewall completely disabled. This is really not problem as long as you know that you must save downloaded files to the mapped drive, otherwise everything gets dumped in C:
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Re: Unable to save files to network drive [SOLVED]

Post by Maksym »

Thank you for sharing the solution!
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