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Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:49
by knowit
Your screensaver is great, but it lacks the most important feature for me: Ken Burns Effect also known as Pan&Zoom transition.

You provide hundrets of transitions where each of them (except the fadings) are as useless as silly transition effects in powerpoint.
In my eyes the only transition effect, beyond simple fading that improves the quality of a slideshow is the so called Ken Burns Effect. Especially when accompanied by music it makes a simple slideshow almost appear like a movie.

I really would appreciate adding this request to your todo list.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 10:52
by Maksym
Yes, it's already in the to-do list.

Re: Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 28 Mar 2021, 19:44
by MightyIrish
I would also like to add my vote for this transition effect

Re: Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 14 Sep 2023, 18:59
by MourningStar
knowit wrote: 12 Aug 2011, 18:49 Your screensaver is great, but it lacks the most important feature for me: Ken Burns Effect also known as Pan&Zoom transition.

You provide hundrets of transitions where each of them (except the fadings) are as useless as silly transition effects in powerpoint.
In my eyes the only transition effect, beyond simple fading that improves the quality of a slideshow is the so called Ken Burns Effect. Especially when accompanied by music it makes a simple slideshow almost appear like a movie.

I really would appreciate adding this request to your todo list.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 15 Sep 2023, 18:54
by MourningStar
Maxim wrote: 14 Aug 2011, 10:52 Yes, it's already in the to-do list.
... to debut in 2.0?

Re: Add Ken Burns Effect (Pan&Zoom)

Posted: 16 Sep 2023, 10:30
by Maksym
Hope so.