Feature Request - Multiple photos - Load one at a time

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Feature Request - Multiple photos - Load one at a time

Post by TheKnarf »

Not sure if possible but i would love to see a Pro feature where when showing multiple photos it would load one at a time vs the entire screen at once.

so in basic form, if showing 2 photos Photo 1 | Photo 2 photo 1 would load first then after the designated time it would load photo 2, then after the time set it would load photo 3 where photo 1 was and so on and so forth. This would really look nice and set your product further ahead as the pemier option :)

Thank you for your time.

(unless this already exists and i'm just a moron and can't find it lol)
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Re: Feature Request - Multiple photos - Load one at a time

Post by Maksym »

I just cannot believe the timing of this message! Right when I started working on this very feature! Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2.0 beta already allows to do this:

As you can see - every monitor you have can be split into several independent "slideshow zones". You can have up to 20 of them per monitor. There are options that allow you to "step forward" in all zones simultaneously, in one random zone at a time (you can see it in the video), and in one zone after another in an ordered manner:


Also, you may have noticed a cool new feature called "photo pile" in every "slideshow zone". Here are the other options for the background of every slideshow zone:


And right now I'm working on the following feature. You will be able to use up to 20 pics per "slideshow zone" and you will be able to select what pics are changed in the next slide with the following options:

1. Change all pics
2. Change from X to Y pics

If [2] is selected, then the following options become available:

2.1. Replace pictures at random positions
2.2. Remove pictures at random positions - add new pics to the end of the list
2.3 Remove pictures from the beginning of the list - add new pics to the end of the list

Now how cool is THAT going to be?! I can't wait to implement it!

If you have suggestions for other options for this slideshow mode - you are welcome to post them here.

Also, if you'd like to join the beta test of the Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2.x - drop me a message at support@exisoftware.com, and I'll send you a download link and instructions.
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Re: Feature Request - Multiple photos - Load one at a time

Post by Maksym »

OK, the feature is implemented! Check it out:

The above video shows the [ Replace in order files appear in the slide ] option. Here are other available options:


Endless Slideshow Screensaver 2.x is going to be amazing!
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Feb 2024, 15:55

Re: Feature Request - Multiple photos - Load one at a time

Post by TheKnarf »

dude! that's awesome!!!
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