xvideos.com channel download not naming files & not getting everything.

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xvideos.com channel download not naming files & not getting everything.

Post by neonhomer »

I had previously downloaded all of the videos from a channel. This was around December of 2023... Since I had limited space on the laptop I was using, I moved the downloaded files to a flash drive and removed the project from EPF.

Today I went to update the folder with any new files, but using a different laptop. Now, when the template downloads the files, it names the files the typical "xvideos.com_" filename. Previously, it had named the video with the video title.

Is there any way to restore that functionality?

Also, EPF will pull most, but not all the files. For example, there are 42 videos, but EPF will only get 36 of them.

For reference, the channel is https://www.xvideos.com/channels/hana_lily_official
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Re: xvideos.com channel download not naming files & not getting everything.

Post by Maksym »

Thank you for reporting this problem. I created a new version of the template from scratch. Please download it and create new projects with the new template:

xvideos.com channel videos downloader
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