TN name and FTP problem

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Joined: 01 Oct 2012, 19:37

TN name and FTP problem

Post by sosipanet » 01 Oct 2012, 19:59

I just tried FTP to upload some photos and tns to my web site. I had saved
the new photos and tns in my Points page on my computer. When I used FTP it
uploaded the entire Points web page photos. I then found these new folders
in my Points folder "files, images, imgpages, thumbs" The images file names
were correct (P01.JPG, etc). The thumbs file names were tn_P01.jpg. The
file I wanted it to replace was named tn_P01_JPG.jpg.

All I want to do is take my new photos, rename them with names to match the
photos of the sold items on my web site, make a thumb nail with a name to
match the tn photos on my web site, and FTP both the TN and original image
directly to the folder to replace the old photos and tns. How can I do

With appreciation & gratitude,
Stuart Schmitt
Clear Creek Crystal Mine

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Re: TN name and FTP problem

Post by Maksym » 02 Oct 2012, 10:59

Please click the "Thumbnail file names..." button on the "Options -> Thumbnails" tab and set the following thumbnail file name template:


As for the FTP... You have 2 options:

1. Use the "Generate thumbnails only..." and "Generate full-size images only" buttons and then use any third-party FTP software to upload the result to your web server.

2. Generate the gallery, click the "Open gallery folder..." button, delete all generated pages and use the built-in FTP to upload the files.

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